Key to pronunciation

Symbol Key Words
a fat, lap
ā ape, date
â bare, care
ä car, father
e ten, let
ē even, meet
ê here, dear
r over, under
i is, hit
bite, mil
o lot, top
ō go, tone
ô horn, fork
ōō tool, troop
oo book, moor
oi oil, boy
ou out, doubt
ū use, cute
ũr fur, turn
ª a in ago
e in agent
i in sanity
o in comply
u in focus
b bed, dub
d did, had
f fall, off
g get, dog
h he, ahead
j joy, jump
k kill, bake
l let, ball
m met, trim
n not, ton
p put, tap
r red, dear
s sell, pass
t top, hat
v vat, have
w will, always
y yet, yard
z zebra, haze
ch chin, arch
פ ring, drink
th she, dash
th thin, truth
zh azure, leisure